Sequential schemes order data from high to low, accenting the highest as a dark shade and the lowest as a light shade (or vice versa). Sequential schemes are best if you are mapping quantitative data and do not want to focus on one particular range within your data.
Divergent schemes are best at highlighting a particular middle range of quantitative data. Pick two saturated contrasting colors for the extremes of the data, and the middle ranges blend into a lighter mix of the two. This is particularly great for accenting the mean of your data and exposing locations that significantly ‘diverge’ from the norm.
If you are working with qualitative data, such as ethnicity or religion, you want to pick a series of ‘unrelated’ colors. The trick is to pick a really nice color theme so your map looks great. You can also accent particular aspects of your data by your choice of color. For example, one strong dark color among a group of lighter colors will ‘pop’ out of the map, highlighting that particular facet of your data against all others.
Color Scheme Designer allows you to select a color from a color wheel and presents several options for automatically generating colors complementary to your initial choice. Specifically, you can choose between:
Color Scheme Designer允许用户在色盘上选取一种颜色,然后提供一些选项以自动生成所选颜色的对比色。具体而言,用户可以选择以下五种生成对比色的模式:(是否根据palette.com更新?)
Colour Lovers is great if you are looking for a design theme for mapping qualitative data. Active users contribute palettes to the site, and these palettes are searchable, browsable, and ready to be used on your project. Colour Lovers users also post patterns if you need some spatial inspiration as well.
Colour Lovers是个为定性数据搜寻配色方案的出色应用。很多活跃的用户为其贡献自定义的色板。这些色板可以被搜索、浏览、甚至直接用于你的项目中。那么还可以从Colour Lovers上找到其他用户发布和分享的纹样。(spatial inspiration 不知所云,不如不翻)
Kuler是Adobe公司旗下一个与Colour Lovers功能相似的网站。设计师们在网站上发布自己的色系,颜色值由RGB或十六进制表示。Kuler网站的设计略不如Colour Lovers直观,但仍然值得一试。
Colorbrewer is great for contrasting the three kinds of color models mentioned in the first section of this article. It allows you to test out different color themes based on whether you want sequential, diverging, or qualitative schemes and to vary the number of color classes you want in your pallet (up to 12). It also provides some useful ‘further reading’ articles on these theories and other cartographic design ideas.
ColorSchemer Studio provides three main features: (1) a color class generator (up to 254 - many more than Color Brewer) based on two colors of your choice, (2) a ‘PhotoSchemer’, which allows you to upload a photo and determine up to ten different colors on your chosen photo and (3) integration with colourlovers, including a color browser and the ability to load colors into the first tool to manipulate on your own. ColorSchemer is a powerful tool for your desktop, available for the slightly higher price of $49.99.
ColorSchemer Studio主要有三个功能:(1) 基于两种预选颜色的色系生成器(支持最多254种颜色,远远多于Colorbrewer);(2) “PhotoSchemer”,可以从现有的图片中提取色系;(3) 与Colour Lovers集成,包括一个颜色浏览器和向第一个工具(译注:first tool指的是什么?(yarray注:我也不知道是什么……,要不删了?))中加载颜色的能力。ColorSchemer是个强大的桌面应用,但价格稍贵,要49.99美元。